Very basic Science quiz

 Some very basic Science quiz questions for students of class-10 and below:

   Questions for the competition

1)Which of the following is not a type of galaxy:

a)       Elliptical             b) Circular           c) Spiral               d) Irregular

2) What is the name of our galaxy?

3) Alpha Centauri is what types of star system?

4) Name of the closed star from Our Sun?

5) Nearest planet in the solar system?

6) Hottest planet of the solar system?

7) Which planet is also nick-named as sister planet of the Earth?

8)  Which planet is also called the blue planet?

9)  Which planet is also called the queen of the planets?

10) Which planet is also called the Gas giants?

11) Which two planets are called the ice giants?

12)Which planet is also called as the morning or evening star?

13) Planets that is farthest from the sun?

14) Which is the largest moon in our solar system and it revolves around which planet?

15)  Asteroid belt lies between which two planets?

16)  Which planet has the highest number of moons/natural satellite?

17)  Name two planets which has no moon?

18)  Name the Gallelien satellites/moon of the Jupiter?

19)  Name the inner planets of our solar system?

20)  Other than Saturn which planet also has rings?

21)  What is the average surface temperature of our planet?

22)  What is the average temperature of outer space?

23)  Surface temperature of Our Sun?

24)  First artificial satellite in space?

25)  First artificial satellite of India?

26)  Name the person who first stepped on the surface of the moon?

27)  Name the first person in space?

28)  Name the first Indian in space?

29)  Our sun is mostly composed of which elements?

30)  Name two major gasses in our atmosphere?

31)  Name the planet where water is found in all three states (solid, liquid and gasses)?

32)  Titan is the name of the moon of which planet?

33)  The density of which planet is less than that of water?



34)  What is the atomic number of oxygen?

35)  Atomic number of sodium?

36)  Chemical symbol for potassium?

37)  Which of the following is a noble gas?

38)  What is the chemical formula of calcium?

39)  Name the element whose atomic number if 5 in the periodic table?

40)  Name the element whose atomic number is 9 in the periodic table?

41)  Name any two noble gas?

42)  How many groups are there in the modern periodic table?

43)  Name the element whose atomic number is 17 in the periodic table?

44)  Through metals electricity can pass easily because:

45)  Is distilled water good conductor of electricity?

46)  Name one element which is semi-conductor?

47)  Which of the following is not a metal:

48)  Diamond is the purest form of which element?

49)  Which element is placed in the first group and first column of the periodic table?

50)  Which metal is found in liquid state at normal atmospheric pressure and temperature?

51)  Chemical formula of water?

52)  Chemical formula of table salt?

53)  Chemical formula of Sulfuric acid?

54)  Chemical formula of hydrochloric acid?

55)  Chemical formula of nitric acid?

56)  The chemical formula of ammonia is?

57)  Chemical formula of sodium hydroxide?

58)  Nitrogen gas is the primary constituent of our atmosphere, what is the chemical formula of nitrogen gas?




59)  What are the fundamental particles of matter?

60)  What are the four fundamental forces of nature?

61)  How many fundamental units are there?

what are the 7 fundamental quantities in SI base system of measurement?

62)  Of the four fundamental forces, which is the weakest?

63)  What is the charge of electron?

64)  What is the charge of neutron? Which particles are found at the nucleus of the atom?

66)  How many electrons are present in the hydrogen atom?

67)  What is the unit of temperature in SI system?

68)  What is the unit of distance in CGS system?

69)  In MKS system what is M, K, S stand for?

70)  In CGS system what is C, G, S stand for?

71)  What is the unit of mass in CGS system?

72)  What is the unit of current?

73)  In “Kilogram” or “Kilometer” what is the value of “Kilo”?

74)  In “centimeter” what value does “centi” represent?

75)  How many meter accounts for 1 foot?

76)  How many centimeter accounts for 1 inch?

77)  How many centimeters are there in one meter?

78)  How many seconds are there in 1 hour?

79)  Foot is the unit of :



80)  What is the bottom most layer of Earth’s atmosphere?

81)  In which layer is ozone layer are found?

82)  What is the chemical formula of ozone?

83)  Seasons on Earth is because of:

84)  The layer between troposphere and stratosphere where temperature remains constant is called?

85)  What is the value of lapse rate within troposphere?

86)  As we move up what happens to atmospheric pressure:

87)  What is the % of oxygen gas in our atmosphere?

88)  Which is not a green-house gas:

89)  What is the major effect of green-house gas?

90)  Which is the topmost layer of the Earth’s atmosphere?

91)  The primary gas that is released from vehicle after combustions is?

92)  What is the full form of LPG?

93)  What is the full form of DDT?

94)  What is the full form of CFCs?

95)  Biogas (or in our language Gobar gas) is mainly composed of which gas?

96)  Which of the following doesn’t have atmosphere of his own:




97)  According to the law of reflection which is not true:

98) According to Newton’s 2nd law of planetary motion: force on a body is directly proportional to :-?

99)  According to kepler’s  2nd law of planetary motion-: in an equal interval of time the line joining the planet and the sun sweeps equal:

100)According to Kepler’s 1st law of planetary motion: The orbit of a planet around its star is-

101)Which is true according to the law of reflection (which is true):

a)       Angle of Incident ray (with normal) = 2 * the angle of reflected ray (with normal)

b)      Angle of Incident ray (with normal) =  * the angle of reflected ray (with normal)

c)       Angle of Incident ray (with normal) = the angle of reflected ray (with normal)

d)      Angle of Incident ray (with normal) = 3 * the angle of reflected ray (with normal)

102)If a body 'A' floats on water than the density of 'A' must be (greater, equal, smaller) than the density of water?

103)What is the SI unit of force?

104)What is the SI unit of mass density?

105)What is the SI unit of frequency?

106)What is the SI unit of pressure? What is the SI unit of acceleration?

107)What is the SI unit of volume?

108)What is the SI unit of electric charge?

109)Name of the instrument used to measure current?

110)Name of the instrument used to measure wind speed?

111)Name of the instrument used to measure voltage?

112)Name of the instrument used to measure temperature?

113)According to newton’s first law of motion, what is necessary to change state (rest/motion) of matter?

114)What will happen to the passenger when a moving car suddenly stops? (lean forward or lean backward)

115)What happens when a light enters from optically denser to optically rearer medium? (bends towards or away from the normal)

116)In order to float in water, density of the substance must be (greater, equal or smaller) than the density of the water?


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